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applyed certificated
The HRIC grants two main types of certificate to qualified applicants: 
1- Short term distance learning certificate 
2- Applied Bachelor/ Master/ Ph.D. research-based certificate 
Interested people in receiving the first type of certificate, or the short-term certificate of distance learning, receive relevant educational content through their personal application panel on the website or via email after selecting and enrolling in the course, and receive the short-term education certificates after gaining acceptance scores in the final exam of course.
After gaining acceptance scores in entry exams and enrolling and paying the college tuition fee in master and doctoral courses, students need to present papers and research with titles that are selected by professors of their disciplines. After the approval of research and papers, a distance learning certificate called the "Applied Certificate" will be given to students.
Students can take advantage of these certificates in job interviews, social status, and related issues. In fact, obtaining certificates in any college courses indicates certificate owners' proficiency in those courses considering the research-centered nature of HRIC courses. 
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